American In Serbia


We finally did it!  After discussing it for years we made the move and are now in the process of living in Serbia.  We had few connections left in the US.  I was having a harder and harder time finding consulting work in Boston without having to travel.  It seemed hard to make friends there as we were too far from Ella’s school and everyone with kids in the South End moved out before the kids were old enough to go to school.  So now our condo in Boston is on the market and we are now living in Belgrade with Tanja’s mother until the condo sells and we find a new one in Serbia.

Come along with me, an American in Serbia, as I make the adjustment to living in a foreign country, only speaking a few works of the language, and having no clue how things work in this country.  The blog will be part introduction to Belgrade Serbia, part travel blog, defiantly a look at local wine, beer and rakia.  I hope it proves entertaining as well as informative.  Perhaps it will encourage you to visit Belgrade and if you do let me know.