American In Serbia

Traveling by Car in Serbia

Traveling between large cities in Serbia can be a breeze. The new highways that have been going in are excellent. Usually four lanes which are well marked. Traffic outside of the city is usually light with a top speed of 130 kph. If you are traveling outside the main routes between the big cities, say to one of the many monasteries or on one of the many wine routes you will find two lane road. On occasions you may end up on a partially or un-paved road but these are the exceptions.

Usually every 50 kilometers or so there is NI station for gas. These are well maintained. You have all the supplies like a 7-11 in the US for drinks and chips. There is usually a small Serbian fast food restaurant with coffee and a few lunch items. The bathrooms as very clean and up to date. There are even electric car charging stations noted with electronic signage.

Tolls are common on Serbian highways. For example, Belgrade to Niš which is just under 250 kilometers is 6,00 EUR or 73,000 RSD which can be paid in Dinars or via Visa/Master Card.

Note: I had a picture inside one of the Gas Stations but they got angry for some reason that I was taking pictures. The picture cam out bad so I did not use it as we have not idea why a gas station would be on the list of places not to photograph