We’ve killed a cow
One call you probably never get in the US is the one we had on Saturday. “We killed a cow a few weeks ago and have been aging T-Bones, come over tomorrow for lunch.” Well, needless to say, we were down for that. You find most people in Serbia either owns their own or have relatives that sill live on a farm. My mother-in-law has two sisters that sill live on a farm that produces vegetables and eggs. You need to have a farm fresh egg for sure. Our friend Marco has a small farm just on the edge of Belgrade where he use to raise horses, now just a few cows and pigs for meat.

He ages the steaks in a bucket of pig fat from two weeks to three weeks. Of course, using the pig to make some of the best sausage you have ever tasted as well. You can also use the pig fat to skillet roast potatoes that you just can’t have enough. We didn’t have a great selection of wine as we were going to he wine shop but the roads were closed off in that direction do to the Belgrade marathon being run through the streets of New Belgrade that Sunday so had to settle for the best of Serbian wine that you can purchase locally. We also had some great wild pear brandy that he makes in great supply when the pears show up in the forest by his property in the mountains. Some of the best rakia is the home-made version.

My recommendation is that when offered a meal at a local’s residence do not turn them down as you never know what you might experience. You will find Serbs to be extraordinary generous in sharing their food and wine and drink and you will immediately make a friend.

Next post the oldest restaurant in New Belgrade. Prijanto!