Ella to the ER Follow Up
Oh, we ended up very lucky. Ella woke up the next day and her grandmother was going to change her bandages about noon after I had called and said she would not be into school for the rest of the week. The swelling on her ankle had gone away completely and she walked on it just fine. We monitored her for the rest of the day, and nothing seemed to be an issue, so she went to school the next day, taking her x-rays of her ankle for all to see. The teacher passed it around for everyone and Ella was quite tickled with all the attention.
We did not go to tennis all week, and just tried to take it easy but in the end, we do not think there was any structurally wrong with her foot. Perhaps it was a bite that swelled up or something, but her ankle never gave her any issues.
So she only missed the one day of school and was back with no issues we kept thinks easy up until Saturday which was the dress rehearsal. Everything went great she danced to perfection as did the other girls in her class. Then we got ready for the big performance on Sunday at the Opera house in Zemen. All the ballet classes in New Belgrade were there for a two-hour extravaganza. Her class did an outstanding job and of course, I thought they were the best of the groups. In fact, all her teacher’s classes seemed better prepared and had better choreography than the others.

We must decide sometime in the future as her teacher would recommend her to the ballet magnet school here in Belgrade which is just a couple of stops on the Tram from our new apartment. She is starting to look more and more like one of the girls you see walking to the Boston Ballet Summer program back in the US.
