American In Serbia

Burger House

So to celebrate the 4th we decided to get a burger. At first my wife wanted to get a Serbian burger which is more like a Ćevapi with those spices and mixes of meat in a pita with onions, but I convinced her to go for the real thing and go for a good ole American burger. On the third we went to the US Ambassador’s residence here in Serbia for the 4th garden party. There I had a McDonalds apple pie, KYC along with some other foods prepared by the embassy catering. But you really need a hot dog or a burger on the 4th.

I had read about several places that claim to make American burgers and one was not too far off our path of todays errands which include new iPhone screens for mine and Ella’s phone. Burger Haven is not far away so we made the short trip there. They have a very small patio but a nice space inside upstairs inside We were there for lunch with only one other couple who did not smoke so it was not bad at all.

I had the Classic double which ended up being too too much. This was a perfect American burger. Cheddar cheese, the patties thick and juicy, the regular pickles, onions, tomatoes and ice burg lettuce on a Sesame bun that as an exact duplicate of what you would expect from an American burger. The fires were double fried cut from a fresh potato and were perfect as well. They have several sauces you can choose from; their house is a bit like thousand island though spicier and not as sweet. You can add on other things, such as jalapeños and bacon.

So if in Belgrade for a while and want a taste from home of if Serbian cuisine is not your favorite I would recommend the burgers at Burger Haven.
