American In Serbia

Surviving Corona in Serbia March 2019

We are coming the end of week three of the quarantine in Serbia.  I must hand it to the Serbian government they responded quickly and made some tough decisions closing much of the country for the last three weeks.  I typically stay out of Serbian politics as the history of the region is way to complex for someone like me to understand but in this case, I give credit to the government for acting quickly.

Like most places you are somewhat constrained.  If you are over 65 you can not be out of your building at all.  They have a service that provides them the supplies you need.  All the restaurants are either closed or are for delivery to home only.  Fifty percent of the stores are closed.  I have not been to the mall but the grocery store there is open.  Most places have some restriction on how many people can be in the store at the same time.  The markets were closed last week.  Delivery is somewhat restricted in that you are in a long Que of waiting for a delivery time.

The park is partially open.  It is supposed to be for dogs at limited times, but I still walk around the perimeter to get in my needed exercise for my knees. I have got stop by the police twice but so far managed to work my way out of any bad issue. 

Every day brings you a new restriction.  Hopefully, we will survive!