American In Serbia

Voting in the US from Serbia

I voted from Serbia!  With all the confusion and misinformation about voting by mail, I was determined to vote.  You can easily register to vote online using your last address in the US.  I wanted to use Texas where I lived most of my life and was born but went by the rules, they outlined on the registration site.  In about two days I was confirmed as registered to vote again in Massachusetts.

So then there is a link to request an absentee ballot.  You can check the box to do this all by email in Massachusetts.  Fill in the form where you last lived and where you live now.  They ask you a weird question do you plan to return or unsure.  Not sure why that matters but for now we don’t plan to return.  A few days later I got a notice that they accepted my request.  I did this early so the response back was “we will send the ballot out later”.  On the day were many states started sending out absentee ballots, it was either a Friday or a Saturday, I got mine in an email.

You print out all the forms, some seem redundant, but it is what it is. I did it the next Monday so I could send it off as early as I could. You must fill them out in pen you can’t type them in. Then you mark your ballot. There are always positions on the ballot that you have no clue like “Register of Probate” so you go with your party. I decided not to vote for the local initiatives as they will never affect me and leave those to the locals. I scanned them all with my phone sent myself an email and then forwarded that to the Boston absentee voting email address. You could mail your ballot or fax as well. Who has a fax machine anymore?

The instructions said that you would be notified if your ballot was accepted and sure enough, less than a week later I got an email saying I had voted.  While my vote won’t mean much voting for Biden in MA, that was the vote that I had the most pleasure ever casting.