American In Serbia

I see the train a commin’

Today, I am out of the cast, and walking without any aid other than the ankle brace and the insert for my shoe. I walked today!

It took four months and two surgeries but I am happy even though there is still quite a bit of pain after I walk. It certainly could be worse. I imagined for some time to come I would need some aid like a cane but as my daughter says “you have a limp but you are walking Daddy.”

I have not gone far yet, just down to the parking garage so far and around the house. I think I will try the ramp out of the garage tomorrow, which would allow me to, as my strength comes back go to the park. I miss seeing all the dogs that . Probably still a couple of weeks away from going to the market again, but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel and I don’t think it is the train a commin’.