American In Serbia

Pharmacies in Serbia

To give you some ideas of what you might expect if you need some medical help while in Serbia of course start with your hotel they will be a good source but here is some ideas that if you are in a BnB that might be helpful. Over the next two post I will discuss Pharmacies and Medical Help. Hope if you visit you never need either.



There are pharmacies all over Belgrade, often two or three on the same block. Most small towns have at least one. They are called Apoteka and will usually have a green, often in neon, + sign outside the door. In Serbia, you do not need a prescription for most medications that are not psychological, such as sleep or anti-anxiety. So if you forgot or lost your blood pressure meds or need something for diarrhea you can go and get the medicine at the pharmacy. One issue you may or will have is that their names are changed and they may not have the exact same medication. Usually, there is a pharmacist that can speak English, if not at that store try another and they can help you find an equivalent. The Apoteka is not like CVS or a Walgreens. They only sell drugs and occasionally a weird collection of other things like toys. The other items you usually would get there you get from the grocery or from a Lilly which sells hair and skin products and will sometimes have an Apoteka inside. Drugs are cheap in Serbia. You can get the same or equivalent medication for often less than the copay from many drug insurance plans in the US. Some Apoteka are even open 24 hours a day.

So while for sure it is best you make sure to bring all you need in terms of your medications there are alternatives if you need them.