American In Serbia

Valentine’s Day in Serbia

Most people do not celebrate Valentine’s Day in Serbia; they celebrate St Trifun. We have over the years started to downplay the day as in the US, you would go to one of those fixed meal dinners at a nice place, and it would be twice the price of an everyday meal. It just seemed to be a made up holiday to make money. Now we give flowers to my mother-in-law and Ella and go somewhere we like.

This year it was Tata Mata, the seafood fish restaurant around the corner from our apartment (I have written a review you can lookup), and we had a wonderful meal of the shrimp tartar with caviar, finger muscles in a white wine sauce, the recent catches of the day with grilled vegetables. It was marvelous as always, one of the best restaurants in Serbia. If visiting, I really suggest a enjoying the service and the chef.

Next post, what I miss about the US.