American In Serbia

Ella the 80s Nerd

My daughter now wants to be an 80s nerd, which I must explain. Like every parent, there is the constant question asking. Why is the sky blue, where do babies come from? As she grows older, the questions are getting more complex and advanced. I was a computer programmer, and when she was four, I began letting her teach herself Scratch to do programs on the iPad. She went to computer camps and learned so much. When we moved to Serbia, in her school, they gave everyone laptops and started teaching Scratch. She took over from the teacher because he had only had a few hours of in-service training, and she was a Pro

She often comes to me asking how to fix this problem or what happened here, to which I finally began to teach her how to use Google and to ignore fake information. For some unknown reason, she became interested in the 80s and started asking me questions about that time. She was researching all along and would come to me with a list of tech items asking if I had a Walkman, what it was like, whether I used See and Spell, and what my first computer was, when did I get my first cell phone, etc,. We spend time now researching the beginnings of tech.

She has declared herself an 80s nerd, and I am proud of her. Of course, the 80s research has to fit in with Minecraft, TicTock, and chatting with her friends over the summer. Thank god for summer camps