American In Serbia


After being in the hospital and having three surgeries for my broken ankle, I took some time off from the blog. I still wear a boot on my left foot and struggle to walk, but now that my broken ankle is fused, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

I took some time off the last year or so from my blog as I have been homebound, only going out for Dr appointments or errands that require me to be personally there. This interrupted my passion for trying new restaurants and visiting places in and around Serbia.

Being unable to go out much put a damper on my restaurant reviews. We mainly ate a home ordering out occasionally, primarily to places we had already visited and wrote a blog entry.

So now I am back. We leave this weekend for three weeks on the Croatian coast. I want to share a few places that, while we ordered in, I will post some of our time on the trip. As always, you can email me about any of the posts that I have made in the past or future if you have questions about visiting or living in Serbia