American In Serbia

Summer Trip to Croatian Coast

It gets hot in Belgrade in the mid to late summer, and so many businesses close down or run on modified schedules, so it is common for Serbs to take long holidays and go to the coast. It is also challenging to find activities for Ella, our 12-year-old daughter, to do daily besides watching TV and her iPad. So like many, we have planned a three-week trip to the Croatian coast, staying with some of our friends that live in Novi Sad.

We will drive through Bosnia on the way, stopping at one of the best Ćevapi in Zenica, then onto the ethno village in Vitez for the night, as it is a nine-hour dive to Promajna, Croatia. In the next several weeks, most posts will be about the trip and the places we visit. We have been there twice before; therefore, it is pretty familiar.

I hope you enjoy going along with us on our trip. I have a couple more Belgrade restaurants interspersed in the travel log that I will share along the way.