American In Serbia


Not long after you cross the border into Bosnia, you come to the town of Basići. This route is probably not on many tour routes if visiting the western Balkans, yet the roads to the Croatian coast, while only one lane in either direction, still provide the nicest way to get to the Croatian coast from Belgrade. In this town, friends recommended Ćevabdžinica. as one of the best places to get cevapcici.

Cevapcici is a small sausage usually grilled and made from some combination of beef, pork, and lamb. In Bosnia, they will not include pork for the Muslim population. Often it is served inside flatbread with onions and kajmak.

We all ordered the cevapcici in flatbread. They were outstanding mixing with the onions and the kajamak. The kajamak aged for sure had a wonderful taste. You can tell the difference between new and older kajamak. As it ages, it starts to gain more robust flavors. In just the last ten years, it has become harder and harder to find aged kajamak.

It is doubtful you will ever drive by, but I recommend a stop if you do.