The Boot is History
Yesterday for the first time, I was out of the boot walking, wearing shoes on both feet and with only occasional pain. It has been a long three months; three weeks of not walking at all, another six or so with the walker, and finally, a month of walking with just the boot.
As a reminder, I fell standing about two years ago when my BP was low, and my ankle broke. At first, I thought it was just a sprain and nothing more. I could put weight on my foot, and other than some mild discomfort, I was unaffected. Only after ten days did the pain suddenly become ingratiating, and walking was difficult. Two ankle surgeries did not fix the issue, and finally, we got the ankle fused; hopefully, this will end this nightmare.
Now in one month, I had double knee replacement surgery scheduled. The doctor said that I could stand and walk the next day after surgery. The more I think about what is to come, the more excited I get, thinking that perhaps I can walk without difficulty and pain.
All this the day before I turn 66.