American In Serbia

I Am Back Again

I have not written in a long time; you probably thought Serbia was taken over or I had moved on. I have only marginal accuses for not writing.

I had my leg broken twice requiring surgey, a knee replacement, spent time in a rehab hospital; I became depressed because things have not gone as I would have liked. So my wife convinced me rather than lie here and get more and more depressed, I should start writing again and sharing what things are like in Belgrade in my current situation and throw in some humorus stories

Initially, I started this blog to focus on places to eat, things to do in Belgrade, and the areas I have visited that might interest others. That seems pointless now, though I have a few new places to recommend.

Now, probably not quite as interesting (depending on your point of view), I will write about my recovery and the regular day-to-day activities of an American living here. I hope this interests you and at least makes you want to visit.

I will write more frequently again, maybe even daily, till I catch you all up on the trials and tribulations of an American who can speak almost none of a complex language and how to survive.

If there is something that interests you or you want to know more about Belgrade my email still works, and that via the internet, the fastest way to reach me.

Hopefully, you will find this entertaining, even more so than the restaurant reviews and it will cathartic for me.