Restaurants in Serbia
Over the coming weeks and months and hopefully years I will give you more specific information about restaurants in Serbia. It will be great fun to tell you about the restaurants that we uncovered and some of the ones we have already visited over the timeI have been just visiting.

In Serbia there are American fast food restaurants, their own version of fast food, Serbian grills, traditional Serbian restaurants and Western restaurants. I have not been to one of a McDonalds or KFC yet though plan to try them at some point just to understand the reference. I was not a big fast food guy anyway except for an occasional Taco Bell or Jack-in-the-Box tacos. They have their own version of fast food which is really for the younger crowd, late at night after drinking, which is a big activity in Serbia (lots more on that topic to come).

There is a Serbian grill on almost every corner. Some with seating and some just walk in, pick out your choice of meat and let them grill it for you in a matter of minutes to take home. Then there are the more traditional Serbian establishments, often also with a grill, but then they may specialize in some thing. You will hear of places over time that serve full roasted pigs and lamb, that specialize in fish especially around Zemen, that have great outdoor spaces or have some other catch to differentiate them from the crowd.

Then right about the time of my first visit, ten year ago, more and more Western style restaurants are popping up. You will find several fix menu styles with wine parings that rival anything in the US. Some play off Serbian cuisine like Anbar or others more French in style with just local ingredients and then other your typical American bistro or steak house. Either way you will find that Serbia is a great place to eat.